Hi! I’m Aaron.

Join me as I share my thoughts on Bait Finesse Style Fishing and Kayak Fishing, as well as finding awesome places to catch bigger fish!

Aaron Hunt with Peacock Bass
All things BFS Fishing

From Gear Reviews to How-To’s…

I even share fishing stories…

Whether you’re looking for recommendations on the best gear or want to learn about a finesse technique, I’ll cover it. And if I haven’t yet – just ask!

Any Day Fishing is Better than a day at work

Falling in Love with Fishing Again

I quit my day job at the end of 2020. Fishing has always been a kind of meditation for me, and all I really knew that I wanted to do was go fishing to clear my head after 25 years of corporate leadership. My friend and mentor Vincent said at one point “You can’t just go fishing all the time”.

And I agreed, and started another business. But I kept fishing. I found Bait Finesse Style (BFS) fishing, and it was like being a kid all over again. Fishing was so much fun, even on the days I got skunked. So I started a YouTube channel about it, and now I pretty much go fishing “all the time”.

Does that Sound Good to you?

  • I can help you make it happen
  • I run a membership called the “Fishing YouTuber’s Network (FYN)
  • We cover step-by-step from just starting to all things Monetization
Check out the youtube channel!

Reviews, Fishing Adventures, and more!